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Far beyound the grammar (Para além da gramática)

      Through in the formation of words, phrases and a range of arrangements that formulate a language, grammar, as we shall see later, is able to encompass various aspects, be they social, their set of norms and even be used as school material. Between grammar and language there is no separation, because when we speak a language, we are also using the grammar of this same language, not being conceivable the idea of ​​a language without grammar, where in this case, one exists only through the other in a system of dependence between one term and other.

         In a native speaker, since the exposure to the language, complex patterns of the formulation of the language, its rules, that is, what can and how it can be said within, its own patterns are already well defined. This precocious language proficiency is noticed from the moment a child is asked something like: '' Do you want to talk to your grandmother on the phone? '' And this child promptly responds: '' I want '', respecting the main and basic grammatical rules, such as use of the verb in its correct flexion of time, person mode, number, as well as omit also the subject pronoun and the complement of the verb.

        Grammar, willing or not, is already present from the beginning of the literacy of a subject, as a set of knowledge developed by the same, it provides throughout its input to the spoken language the guidelines that this same language should go. However, the paradox that is perceived between what is meant by grammar and what it actually is, becomes evident as a speaker succeeds in expressing what he needs in his language, without even having access to any study proper Grammar.

         The pedagogical approach, which can contribute to the student's understanding, leading him to reinterpret his concepts about his language and grammar, should above all encourage them to undertake and expand their possibilities and communicative skills, in an attempt to awaken in this student the fact of which already possesses abilities, even with high level of complexity.

 ¹ Faculdade de Letras, UFAL, Maceió, AL. Email: charlesarts@live.com


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